Five Eleven Photography

Friday, June 8, 2012

All Boy!

One of my favorite images of my new son, born May 23 2012 is the one of him with his big brother. 

My older son, who is 3 (on the right), just adores trains.  He could play trains all day long.  This is the most "boy" thing he does throughout his day as he has a five year old girly girl sister and I often find them playing dress up together in her girly get ups!  He has a train table, a train mat that he vrooms his trains on throughout his day.  What really got him started was riding on the Polar Express here in Cleveland last Christmas.  We got the movie and the CD and they are his all time favorites.  In this image, he is "vrooming" his Polar Express train around his new baby brother.  He was so into doing this picture for me while we listened to the Polar Express CD.  He is already such a good big brother!

One day, his baby brother will be old enough to play trains with him and I hope he doesn't lose his fascination with them before that time comes.  So for now, I treasure this image in the hopes that one day they will be best buds.

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